Wind turbines are falling over!

Wind turbines are falling over!

I live very close to Bradworthy in North Devon where a wind turbine recently fell over!

In fact I used to be able to see it from my back garden!

You can find out more about the original story here on the BBC website!

I still stand by my earlier blog that North Devon (including Torridge) are in danger of allowing far too many of these turbines to be dotted around the countryside & therefore ruining the whole county/area.

Despite being a very rural part of the world it is very difficult to find a spot where the wind turbines are more than a kilometre away from a residential house, and the more that go up the more there is a statistical chance that something awful could go wrong.

This latest article from the BBC – here – tells us that wind turbines are safe despite two of them collapsing in the South West in the space of a week, a representative of the industry has insisted. We are told that incidents like this are rare, but as more and more turbines go up, the incidents will become more & more common – statistically!

Let’s be sensible and have fewer large ones, particularly ones that don’t fall over!


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