Multiheat are committed to finding you new and innovative products which will save energy, we do not supply small gadgets or gimmicks that will save a few pence here and there but products that change the way we think, live and work today and in the future.

Our product ranges complement one another and should be seen as part of a bigger picture of home improvements that will save energy and have a return on investment over a short period of time. Our heating panels and portable batteries are both compatible with solar PV installations, and enable you to use the free electricity generated during the daytime to heat your home and recharge the battery for heating later in the evening.

We supply infrared heating panels. As every situation is different we are happy to liaise with you and discuss your heating needs but we do not fit the heaters, this must be done by a qualified electrician. We have tried to provide you with as much information as possible on the website and we are always happy to talk to our customers by phone, we would much rather you discuss your needs with us and choose the correct size heater than be disappointed next winter!

White infrared heating panels.

350 watt panel 60 x 60cm Heating an area of about 7 square metres. 3.5kg

600watt panel 60 x 90cm Heating an area of about 12 square metres. 5.75kg

850watt panel 60 x 120cm Heating an area of about 17 square metres. 7.5kg

Feature black glass infrared heating panels

600 watt panel 60 x 90 cm Heating an area of about 12 square metres

800 watt panel 60 x 120cm Heating an area of about 16 square metres

You will know yourself if your room is particularly cold, damp or draughty, if this is so, any form of heating will struggle to keep the place warm efficiently however infrared heating is the best choice here because the rays can be felt directly on the skin to warm people rather than the air. Choose a larger heating panel than our normal suggestions for the room size.

Portable battery power.

Solarpod battery takes about 6 hours to fully charge from either being plugged into the mains electricity or via the solar panel and can provide a maximum of 400 watts of electical power. With one UK plug socket and one USB port plus the ability to convert over to 12V for use with camping equipment.

Solarpod Pro  battery takes about 7 hours to fully charge from either being plugged into the mains electricity or via the solar panel and can provide a maximum of 1000 watts of electical power. With two UK plug sockets and four USB port plus the ability to convert over to 12V for use with camping equipment.