Customer reviews and recommendations for infrared heating panels.

Bridge Christian Community Centre, Arklow, Co. Wicklow.

“We were so pleased with your service. We have talked them up with everyone who comes in, looks around and asks where the heating is!”


“We have installed Multiheat’s panels throughout our bungalow and can honestly commend their use by other home-owners. We intend to install these panels in the bungalows which our charity Kingdom Living intends to purchase and adapt and rent out to families having a member with a complex medical neuro-degenerative disorder. Kingdom Living Charity.

Read the details about why this charity chose infrared heating panels opposed to other forms of heating in this Pdf Kingdom Living testimonial.

“I can highly recommend the use of these heaters, we have them on the ceiling in our bathroom (600W) and toilet (350W), they provide a gentle heat and we have not had to use any other type of heating within the rooms. Both heaters are thermostatically controlled.” (seen in the picture)

“Previously we used a gas balanced flue wall heater in the bathroom which is rated as 3KW but this took ages to warm up and then the room got too hot as it was difficult to control.”  Grahem L. Devon.

“I absolutely love my panel. It’s near my desk so is brilliant for those cold early mornings. It feels like I’m abroad and gets me to a perfect temperature quickly without making the room uncomfortable with hot air. When I’m working with others they always comment on how great it feels. The radiator is on just to keep it ticking over. Definitely planning on expanding my collection. Thank you.” N

“ My panel has been up a running for nearly a a week and I am very pleased with it. I will be giving it a good test and will be back in the new year for one of the glass panels to replace my last economy 7 heater which is now 20 years old and probably not that efficient.”

Kineton“Although I could not access the Victorian high ceilings in this room and found a mid-point to mount my panel high up on the wall, it hangs as if from the picture rail next to an aboriginal art picture…White Crane Dreaming. Indeed if I could crane it to the ceiling, it would disappear in the dreamy character of the room, but I savour the warmth of modernity of it’s sight down under the thin white line.”


Cost CutterCan you see the heating panel fitted into the ceiling in this Cost Cutter store?

Heating panels fitted over the doorway and till point are a cheap way of creating a warm feeling for the customer. Many small businesses simply cannot afford to run highly expensive air conditioning units.

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